No. Not interested. We don’t use recruiters. We’ve got it handled. We don’t pay those rates. Or my personal favorite…simple, elegant, powerful… Silence. I don’t care who you are or what you do, unless you’re my 5-year-old boy, hearing “no” over and over again is going to have an effect. And if that’s not painful
Chances are that you’ve done all that you can to position yourself well in your career. You built your experience and invested in your education to ensure that you have an opportunity to be and do what you want. Whether you’re a Tradesperson, a Sales Leader, a Manager of Operations/Logistics/Customer Service/Finance, etc…you’ve tailored yourself to
It’s difficult to do things differently. This statement rings true for any job in any industry anywhere. In recruitment one will likely find themselves struggling to combat the preconceptions of their own industry based on the activities of the few that have come before. In order to “be different”, one needs to begin by identifying
I think it’s fair to say that we all know of – or have directly been affected by – the recent economic downturn from a once thriving resource industry out here in Western Canada. The market has a lot of movement and there is much to be learned from how companies respond or react in
In our last blog we discussed being “All things to all people”, where it pertained to Human Resources and how a Recruiting Agency can fit into that relationship (you can reference that post here). But once the decision is made to go the Agency route…what does that look like for the client and candidate? Let’s
“We don’t use Agencies. Super-Duper Industrial Automation dot com’s HR has its own team at head office”. Of course, you do… And what is the point of your HR department if not to provide you and your company with brilliant, passionate and engaged employees? I mean, what the heck do you pay them for anyhow?
One of the most common things I hear when describing what I do for a living is always, “That sounds really interesting”. To which I respond…”It is”. And that’s the crux of it. Recruiting, Talent Acquisition, Head Hunting, call it what you will, is ultimately…interesting. I got into this line of work quite by accident.
It’s a good idea to take a few minutes before submitting your resume to identify who will be the first set of eyes to read your resume in the initial screening for the hiring organization. For example, are you applying through a recruitment consultant, corporate recruiter, ATS (Applicant Tracking System) software, Hiring Manager, Owner or
In this blog we’ll break down the steps to searching for a job. As we all know there are so many ways to advertise a job and so many places for a candidate to search. There are so many places to look, printed listings in newspapers or industry specific publications, or digital, with various company